Spring Clean Up Made easy with Clamp On Brush Forks
Small compact tractor owners have a easier way to clean up the mess of downed tree limbs and just general clean up of loose brush in the spring using our clamp on brush forks. First of all many of the small compact tractors do not have a quick attach bucket system which makes it easy to changes attachments so using the Earth & Turf Attachments Clamp on Brush forks make life easier and it is unbelievable how much more brush you can carry. In addition, if you are doing a lot of pruning, cutting down tall ornamental grasses and trimming out shrubs the easy way to handle it is with a brush fork.
Due to the fact the small buckets have very little capacity you must make a large number of trips to get the job done. Brush really doesn’t weigh much so you are dealing mostly with bulky light material. As a matter of fact when I use my brush fork almost none of the brush is in the bucket it is on the forks.
We have two sizes of brush forks 48″ and 60″ depending on the size bucket you have and the lift capacity of your loader. The forks are easy on and easy off. We always tell users to never exceed the safe operating load of there tractor loader.
Enjoy your spring and be safe when operating equipment..